Welcome to the Space Policy blog

introduction to science in space space policy careers Dec 13, 2023

🚀 How do I start a career in space policy?

🚀 How do I transition from a technical career to a policy role?

🚀 Should I do a PhD or an additional Masters degree? 

🚀 What is it like working in a science policy role?  

I’ve had the pleasure of mentoring and coaching many people over the years and these are very common questions. I sense there is a growing interest in policy roles in the space sector.  


The pinnacle of human meaning is to gain knowledge, to seek to understand the Universe and to apply this knowledge for our innate curiosity, and to expand the envelope of our existence.

This is why space is so inspiring. 

From astronomy to the exploration of our solar system to the incredible things achieved in space from Earth observation to connecting the unconnected. The space sector is growing.

Yet as the space sector grows, so do the threats of space debris, environmental effects in our upper atmosphere, disruption to astronomy, spectrum congestion, and growing space traffic in our orbital realm. 

We need space policies that not only fuel economic growth and betterment of life on Earth but also minimize environmental impact.

We need a cadre of space policy experts: individuals equipped to grapple with the multifaceted challenges at the intersection of technology, governance, and environmental stewardship.

There is a problem. The space policy community is still relatively small and nascent. 

There are many knowledge sources but few resources on practical space policy making skills and space policy careers.  

Science in Space aims to change that!

We're here to fill the void in the burgeoning space policy community. We have launched the Space Policy Pioneers Podcast—an exclusive series delving into the career trajectories of space policy luminaries.

Throughout 2024, we will be updating this blog with career resources answering questions such as 

  • How to get started in a space sector career in government affairs, public affairs, space policy, space law and spectrum management;
  • How to rapidly get up to speed on the space sector and policy issues;
  • How to transition from a technical to a policy role
  • Advice on professional and academic qualification options
  • Practical tips and advice on the day-to-day or working in a space policy role

But that's not all.

For those seeking personalized guidance, we're offering an exclusive space policy career consulting service—a bespoke coaching experience tailored to your aspirations.

And in the pipeline? Affordable online training courses designed to equip you with indispensable practical skills for a thriving space policy career.

Join us on this celestial expedition, because in reaching for the stars, we'll discover not just the cosmos but our potential.

Ad Astra! 

Andy and Jenny Williams, Directors of Science Space, Ltd. 🚀

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