From Geology to Space Policy: A Journey with Jess Dallas, New Zealand Space Agency

Season #1

Join Andy Williams, Director of Science in Space, as he welcomes Jess Dallas, space policy advisor for the New Zealand Space Agency, on the Space Policy Pioneers Podcast. They discuss varied career paths in space policy, the important skills needed to succeed, and how a technical background can aid in policy roles. They also cover the functionality and purpose of New Zealand's Space Agency, engagement process in developing the space policy, and touch on the growing interest in space resource extraction and sustainability. The podcast also includes insights into Jess's early fascination with space, her transition from a technical career to policy advisor, and her advice on getting into the field.

Bio: Dr Jess Dallas is a Principal Policy Advisor at the New Zealand Space Agency. Prior to this role Jess worked at several research institutes including the Centre for Star and Planet Formation in Denmark and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris in France. She also led the Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group at the Space Generation Advisory Council. 

Jess did a PhD at the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research at the University of New South Wales focusing on space sustainability and a Master of Science at Victoria University of Wellington investigating solar system formation. 

Disclaimer: All guests are talking in their personal capacity and are not representing any official position of their former or current employing organization.

Links and Resources

New Zealand Space Agency: 

New Zealand Space Policy: 

Policy consultation: 

Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS): 

Dark and Quiet Skies: 

Australian Centre for Space Engineering, University of South Wales: 


Space Generation Advisory council (SGAC):